Filter pass...
Heh, love this ...
Now Iditarod minus two ... must get the tracker running again ... a nice little bit of ksh hacking ahead ... 
Scott Adams: Twitter users are addicted to being offended. Yeah, no kidding, and he would know :/ Though to be fair, he wants them to be... 
Official NASA replay of the SpaceX/NASA Crew-6 mission to the space station. Flawless! And maximally goose-bumpy! 
Do you suppose there will be a day when these seem routine? Will I be looking at my blog in 20 years and think, "huh, remember when space launches were special?"
Today was Tesla Investor Day; Teslarati gives their list of wants, and hosted a liveblog (reverse chrono, unfortunately). Seems like it was all about Master Plan v3, without too many near-term details. 
Richard Dawkins: Why I'm sticking up for science. Via Instapundit, who note: "Richard Dawkins is not one of my favorite people, but he's right on this." He *is* one of mine (Selfish Gene, Blind Watchmaker), and yep he is right about science. It is not a religion. 
Via ScienceRoll: Healthcare IT News: Most primary care telehealth visits don't require in-person follow-up. 
Reid Hoffman: A few words on the promise of AI and my eight years on the OpenAI board. "AI, like most transformative technologies, grows gradually, then arrives suddenly. Headlines make AI feel abrupt and singular when it’s compared to a tidal wave, revolution or tectonic shift. In actuality, foundational work in AI has been going on since the 1950s." 
Agree entirely with the New Neo: Unreachable Humans. Twenty years ago, tech made it easier to reach people, but now, not so much. So many people don't answer their phones or ever use them to talk. 