There are two kinds of jewelry stores. In one kind, you walk by the window, they have a bunch of beautiful jewelry. Watches. Necklaces. Rings. Earrings. Even maybe personal items like mirrors and makeup cases. They are amazing. You are dazzled. You will go into the store because you see something that catches your eye.

The second kind of store is more selective. The window has a small number of items. They are spaced apart. They are amazing. You are intrigued. You will go into the store because you think there might be something else great that they didn't have in the window.
Correspondingly, there are two kinds of blogs. I think I am blogging about too much stuff, all over the place. I am hoping you see something that catches your eye, but you might have to travel past a lot of other stuff to find it. I need to have one or two items in the window, carefully selected. Maybe you'll follow because you think there might be something else great coming.
Well there is another dimension to blogs - some are linkers, where the blogger mostly relays you to things others have posted, and acts like a filter, and some are thinkers, where the blogger mostly posts things they've thought, maybe in reaction to things others have posted. I do both. Might want to do less of the former, and more of the latter. Stay tuned!