Wow, a busy January, 42 posts. But then looking at history, I've typically posted a lot in January - a little less in February - and then sort of settled in at a lower rate. July is sparse and August has been the worst month, September is bad too (even excepting the obligatory "never forget" posts on 9/11), and October, meh. Then my activity has picked up again in November and December. Maybe I'm a cold weather blogger?
Thanks to those of you who have said they're glad I'm blogging again - I'm glad you're still out there, reading!
Update on comments - no light at the end of the tunnel. My experiments have confirmed that to use Twitter for comments I'll need an application Id so I can use their API. I've applied to be a developer, but with everything going on there who knows. Other options include Mastodon, which has a straightforward API, but that would require you-all to sign up for a Mastodon account to make comments. (You would be able to view them without one.) That's my Plan B ... stay tuned.