A crummy day with bad things and bad news. Rats. I hope tomorrow is better!
We started watching Poker Face tonight. Highly recommended, off to a great start.
Questions you might not have asked: What’s going on in the Dutch startup scene? "Seen through the lens of his Royal Highness, Prince Constantijn." At CES ... 
Well good: Bill would even the playing field for telehealth reimbursement. One good outcome of the Covid pandemic which will hopefully continue on past it... 
How Amazon's latest pharmacy move lays the groundwork for longer-term play. "While the offering is not breaking new ground or particularly disruptive to the pharmacy market in the near term, industry experts say the move is worth watching for how it lays the groundwork for the e-commerce giant's long-term healthcare and pharmacy strategy." So where do they go next? Hard to see Amazon hiring physicians, right? 
Becker's: Amazon in the headlines: 7 recent healthcare moves.
Doctors, Get ready for your AI Assistants. "Hospitals have begun using machine learning to help analyze and collect images, and the medical applications are endless." Seems inevitable - and I think this positioning, of AI as "assistants", is exactly right. 
SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell awarded 2023 National Space Trophy. Yay, great to see her getting this recognition, you have to believe she is critical to SpaceX's success ... and cannot be that easy working for Elon Musk! 
‘Nasty’ Geometry Breaks a Decades-Old Tiling Conjecture. "Mathematicians predicted that if they imposed enough restrictions on how a shape might tile space, they could force a periodic pattern to emerge. They were wrong." Super cool. 
Requiem for a string: Charting the rise and fall of a theory of everything. You know what it just always seemed wrong to me - by W=UH - it was just too complicated to be right. And now we find it is not even wrong. 
So - how to we tie electromagnetism, gravity, and the strong and weak nuclear forces together? And explain all those particles? Maybe that's the wrong question?
On the thermodynamics of complexity. Whew. 
Brad Feld: AI and the HyperEnabulator. "When I asked ChatGPT, 'Are you aware how little a sense of humor you have?' they said, 'No, I do not have self-awareness.' So I hope they figure out how to connect to the HyperEnabulator." 
Jean-Louis Gassée: ChatGPT: Netscape Moment or Nothing Really Original. I say, a Netscape moment. Stay tuned. 
Berci Mesko: There were rumors about that AI could start generating original proteins from scratch. Now scientists have created an AI capable of generating artificial enzymes. Wow. 
Clive Thompson: Why is my iPhone suddenly ending my sentences with a period? A little think piece on the nature of messaging... 
Huh: After a failure 4 months ago, the New Shepard spacecraft remains in limbo. "More than four months have passed since the launch of Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket ended in failure. No humans were onboard the vehicle because it was conducting a suborbital scientific research mission, but the failure has grounded the New Shepard fleet ever since." Four months doesn't seem that long ... but yeah, space is hard. 
Did you know about this? Nothing Phone (2) to be released this year in the US. "We're developing a smartphone that's more premium than the Nothing Phone (1) and software will be a big focus area for us." Well, okayyy. 
And finally, news I hope you can use: The World's Most Picturesque Restaurants, According To TripAdvisor Comments. 
I was actually at one of them exactly a year ago - Lattitudes, in Key West, Florida. Cannot disagree.