Today was Flag Day, did you celebrate? I did, by putting up a flag on our garage ... and then going sailing; ended up in a great match race with a long time friend. Perfect.
Meanwhile, it's all happening...
How cute is this? An announcement from a friend and his wife: "announcing a new addition to the group ride". Awww... 
For you, and so I can find it later: The perfect way to "see" a ride once you have a GPX file for it. Either a ride you've actually ridden - from the GPX file generated by your GPS - or a ride you're planning - from, etc. Very cool. 
And speaking of ride visualizations, I've been watching the Criterium Dauphine, and ITV4 (a UK television channel) have a great way of showing a ride route in 3D. Check this out! Makes me think perhaps I could take a GPX file and figure out how to actually print the ride visualization on my 3D printer. Stay tuned :) 
By the way the Dauphine was a great stage race this year; congrats to Chris Froome for winning, and to Tejay Van Garderen for making it close.
Are you ready for The Martian, the movie? I've raved about the book already - yes, you *must* read it - but now, looking at the trailer, this looks like it's going to be excellent. Ridley Scott is the Director, by the way. 
Meanwhile, in the real world, the Philae lander has woken up! YAY. You will remember, this is the little guy who landed on Comet 67/Churyumov seven months ago. He landed on his side and ran out of power, but scientists were hopeful that as the comet orbited closer to the sun he'd rebuild power and wake up. And this has apparently happened! 
No word on what shirts the scientists were wearing when this happened :)
More space: Seven things to know about the New Horizons visit to Pluto. Excellent! 
The perfect picture from the International Space Station. Astronaut Terry Virts had been trying to take this picture of the Egyptian pyramids for 200 days, on his last day in space, he got it. Wow.