Yesterday I rode the Heartbreak Hundred, a maniacal century accumulating 9,000' of climbing in a tour of the Los Padres National Forest. The highlight is a 5 mile climb at about 7% called ... Heartbreak Hill. The past two years I've actually ridden this as a Double - with 50 miles before, and 50 miles after, in an out-and-back from Palmdale - but this year I had to get back home for a dinner party so contented myself with the middle hundred.
The timing of this ride was *perfect*; after last week I had a lot to think about, and riding for 10 hours gave me a lot of time to think. I have quite distilled everything down yet but stay tuned, I think I'm in for an inflection point.
Anyway the ride itself was great - I felt strong, and did it in 8:14 riding time, which is pretty good considering - and I enjoyed nice weather and beautiful views. Here are some pictures:

the route: 100 miles and 9,000' of climbing, a nice little tour of the Los Padres National Forest

picture map courtesy of my iPhone; I love this feature...

initial climb up past Frasier Park; so far, so good

paceline up into the forest

first checkpoint at the top of the first climb; whew
only 25 miles down and a long way left

amazing vista open up along the forest ridge of Mt. Pinos

descending the backside down from the forest: wheeee!

at 'the place' halfway through the ride; ready to attack Heartbreak!

a little water hazard

Heartbreak Hill! - 5 miles at 7%

looking back down; did I just climb that? (gasp)

Powering at 30+ mph back down - yay.
finished in 8:14 riding time, not bad
Onward! Next weekend I'm riding the Ojai Valley 200K, and in the meantime I have much to think about :)