Today I am happy. I have no particular reason to be, and yet it is so. Yay!
So, do you think it's cold? "The current temperature here in the Minneapolis suburbs is ten degrees below zero. The high today was three or four degrees. Last night it got down to twenty below zero." It is a balmy 75F here, perfect for bike riding, which I plan to do later this afternoon... 
The first Verizon iPhone commercial. Interesting that they don't even show the phone! Everyone knows what an iPhone is ... wow. 
So, are you sitting down? Holding any sharp objects? Okay ... I am getting a Verizon iPhone. For testing apps, of course :) Stay tuned.
Greg Mankiw has a plan: "The essence of the plan is the federal government writing me a check for $1 billion. The plan will be financed by $3 billion of tax increases. According to my back-of-the envelope calculations, giving me that $1 billion will reduce the budget deficit by $2 billion." Obamanomics 101. 
Lawyer attempts to curtail the speech of a website headed by a First Amendment Law Prof. "This is a Well Thought Out Plan." I love it. 
So, can you do nothing for two minutes?
I almost made it :) 
Jeff Atwood: 24GB of memory ought to be enough for anybody. Nah. Too much ain't enough ;) 
Brad Feld: the wave of iPad purchasing has just begun. I believe this. It seems the iPad is the computer for the rest of us, where "rest of us" means people who don't like computers :) John Dvorak gets it wrong, again. And Apple's App Store downloads top 10B. That's a B. Wow. 
The incredible boat houses in Encinitas. I spend, like, half my life within two blocks of these boat/houses; they are right near downtown, where I work out, do Yoga, and have dinner while down at my office. Amazing that I didn't know about them before. Stay tuned for a picture or two :) 
Here we have Gourmet Ice. I am not making this up. But they are. 
Wired: Eight beautiful bioluminescent creatures from the sea. Wow, these are amazing. Just when you think you've seen it all, you realize "it all" is so much more than you thought...