In the middle of the world's longest week, sitting in on a sales training class at Aperio, and doing a few hundred other things in parallel :) but of course I have time to make a filter pass...
Last night we took our sales team to Dodger Stadium - aka the Center of the Universe - to watch the Phillies beat the Dodgers. Final score hot dogs 3 beers 5. A great time was had by all.
And so Apple announced: 
- They have shipped 120M iOS devices. Wow.
- iOS 4.1. Bug fixes (!), HDR photos, HD upload, TV rentals, Game Center. Yawn.
- iOS 4.2 (for iPad). iOS 4.1 stuff + Airplay media streaming. So be it.
Redesigned iPod Shuffle. Cute. So be it.
New iPod Nano. Touchscreen! But no camera, and no video. And it is *not* an iOS device. Huh.
- New iPod Touch. Retina display, front and back cameras, Facetime, HD video recording. An iPhone4 without the phone. Expected, but nice.
iTunes 10 with "Ping" social network. Interesting, this I could see using myself... what are my friends listening to, and how do they like it? Also interesting, they changed the logo to get rid of the CD. Hah.
...and one more thing... A new AppleTV! Teeny, cheep ($99), no internal disk, rental only. New UI but not an iOS device, no apps. Interesting.
A classic Jobsnote, enjoyed watching/listening to the master :) it was notable that he alluded to some failures or non-successes too; the bug fixes in iOS, bringing buttons back on the shuffle, AppleTV being a "hobby". It worked.
ArsTechnica posted their usual nice overview of the announcements.
[Update: Ping is a big disappointment. It might get better, but right now I have no friends, and there's no there there.]
In the real world, worst August for stocks since 2001, not to mention problem bank list climbs to 829. So much for that "Summer of Recovery", huh?