I have a lot of work to do today, but it's Sunday, so I'm probably not going to do it :) Or at least I plan to escape for a longish ride. I did Rockstore yesterday with my friend Peter, on my mountain bike, and it was great. (And we stopped at Sundance Cycles on the way and oogled some Orcas... man, I think I'm really in love, just haven't quite admitted it yet :)
So you did watch the Tour of California prologue yesterday, right? Because if you didn't, you missed a fun race, and I'm about to spoil it for you by telling you what everyone predicted indeed happened, Fabian Cancellara won and Levi Leipheimer finished a close second. Lance was tenth. It was great. Perhaps the biggest surprise for me was that Floyd finished 60th; I'm happy to see him back and he was never great at short time trials, but that was surprisingly bad, for him. 
Today we have a rainy stage 1 from Davis to Santa Rosa, a race everyone expects will end in a sprint finish. Look for Mark Cavendish to, er, make his mark... I will be glued to the Tivo a bit later on...
I meant to link this Friday, but forgot: video of Lance Armstrong tearing a new one for Paul Kimmage, the Irish pro-cyclist-turned-journalist who recently commented on Lance's return: "the cancer is back". I think Lance handles it perfectly: "you are not worth the chair you are sitting on". And that look - whoa. 
Obama prepares to sign milestone stimulus bill. Noooo! Don't do it! As we piss away $787B we don't have... 
The coolest looking observatories on Earth. These are excellent choices, but I must tell you I think just about all observatories are cool looking. There's just something science fictiony and futuristic about them. Space, the final frontier, and all that... 
In re: Twitter's new $35M funding round: mining the thought stream. I swear, this is the most dramatic case of an emperor not wearing any clothes. I can't wait for the house of cards to crash. 
Rogers Cadenhead: sharing blog posts on your Facebook profile. This is exactly what I want to do, too... stay tuned...