Twenty-five years ago, a new age dawned... and it was insanely great... I remember this so well - the sense that something new had happened, a window into a new world that suddenly existed, full of possibilities... And you have to love Steve Jobs; even twenty-five years ago, he was the consummate showman. Of course I pulled out Hen3ry, my trusty Mac/SE, and booted him up to celebrate. Beep! No problem, came right up with his cheery little gray-and-white screen. I showed Megan, and she asked whether "it worked"? I said sure, go ahead and play with it. "Where's the Internet?" Ha. Remember when computers were stand-alone? Yeah, those were the days. In fact Hen3ry used to have a Radius full-screen page monitor attached (long-since dead), and was used every day for word processing. I *still* have the Apple LaserWriter I used too, and it still works. [ Update: Dave Winer ponders What made the Mac different. A nice post, I'd forgotten all the ways in which the Mac was different, but it certainly was... ] |