Doing a little Friday night blogging... while preparing expense reports (!) and watching the Dodgers lose to the Phillies. (At least it is 8-2 right now, I assume they're toast, tonight, and probably in the series.) [ Update: they did lose, 8-5. Diggin' a hole... ]
Today the shit continued to hit the fan, as the markets collectively lost about 20% this week, without finding a bottom. Wow, who ordered that? The Economist's latest cover features The world on the Edge. And nobody saw this coming. I'm not embarrassed to say, I'm scared. I think I'm in better shape than many, but when things get really bad, everyone suffers.
Yesterday I mentioned Sequoia's all-CEO meeting; today the entire Powerpoint was posted. You have to check this out, especially slide 3, shown at left. I'm guessing there have not been too many powerpoints at Sequoia with that graphic before. Wow. 
Mike Arrington thinks we have an Ignoble but much-needed end to Web 2.0. If only. I fear the Web 2.0 moniker will stick with us, even if many of the companies it describes will not. 
An interesting point at the National Review: "George Bush has probably had the hardest administration since Lincoln." Yep, with 9/11, a consistently hostile media, and now the crash of 2009, he has definitely had it tough. 
Pretty kewl: uncov features a Time Masheen from October 2007. That was not too long ago, was it? Who knew? 
A $29M 15,000' megamansion; Inhabitat wonders Is It Green? 
Don't know about green, but this is beautiful; a prefab house from Werner Sobek. Well okay it is green: "The R128 is a glass-and-steel home whose materials were planned to be 100% environmentally friendly and recyclable... The home is also energy-efficient with solar panels on the roof and glass panels (triple-glazed!) that help maintain comfortable room temperatures all year round." 
This is pretty amusing; TTAC has the latest long-form Audi ad. The Thai or Chinese joke was excellent (referring to adoption, not food), and I love the twins :) Yeah, you just have to watch it... 