CarCity has a clover layout (top) with "nodes" on each lobe (right)
Had enough of cars? Perhaps you would like to live in a city without them? Consider Carfree Cities, a wonderfully detailed site which designs a city for 1,000,000 people completely without cars, using Venice as an example. In addition to not having roads for vehicle traffic, the city also exemplifies other features which make cities pleasant: curved streets, large squares, arcades, framing gates, waterways and bridges, variation in elevation, monuments, etc. There is also consideration of objections, such as congestion (lack of roads increases density) and noise ("the invention of electronic music has taxed the ability of people to live in close proximity to each other"), and practical considerations like commercial shipping. [via slashdot ] Really, really cool - and here I've been spending time worrying about making traffic more efficient :)