I took my daughter Megan and her friend Ally to Legoland today; nothing like spending the day with two cute little five-year-olds. Really fun.
The great thing about Legoland is that the target demographic is little kids. So you have millions of little kids and their parents. The teen thing is missing - no rap, no tattoos, no piercings, no rudeness. Just people having fun with their kids. I enjoyed being around other people, which is kind of odd for me.
I would link to Legoland's site, but it sucks. Hard. First, it only works in Windows IE. I mean, really. Next, it requires flash. The pages are heavy and overdesigned. And the information / fluff ratio approaches zero. There are some Quicktime 3D movies, but they don't really work and they open in teeny un-resizeable windows. A usability "don't".
I did have a brief thought - hmmm... this is a tourist place. Wonder if there are any visitors from China or Hong Kong? I didn't see any masks. That could still happen, though.
Check out Peking Duck - lots of great posting. Man, China is really flipped upside down by SARS. They've even quarantined a hospital in Bejing... Today's SARSWatch: 4288 cases, and 251 deaths.
CNN reports North Korea says 'War any moment'. This is while trilateral talks between the U.S., North Korea, and China are taking place. Their style of negotiation is a little unconventional - threaten disaster, and hope this gives them leverage. I don't think it will work. As usual, Cox & Forkum illustrate beautifully...
From Jason Kottke:
Scene: The Open Source Cafe.
Man: Waiter, there's a fly in my soup.
Waiter: Sir, it's not a bug, it's a feature.
Pretty hard to argue with this list, from Acidman. Well, I do kind of like soccer, and I am conflicted about gun control.
This is really old, but I just tripped over it: Steve Sailer interviews Steven Pinker. I love it that the hereditability of human nature can be discussed in a UPI press release. Of course, I'm sure both were accused of racism or political incorrectness, or something. Read it and decide for yourself!
 Finally, I direct your attention to The Fish Wars. Be sure to see the Complete Fish Taxonomy. My favorite is the Far Side Fish :)